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  • Sarumathy Nandagopal

Amazing Nutritional Advantages Of Moringa Leaves

Updated: Sep 16, 2022

The plant Moringa Oleifera is also known as the drumstick tree, miracle tree, ben oil tree, or horseradish tree. Moringa has been used for thousands of years because of its medicinal and health benefits. It also has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antidepressant properties. Moringa leaves have a greater vitamin C concentration than oranges. It has a more calcium content than milk. Moringa leaves significantly reduce blood pressure levels.

The moringa tree is commonly called the "wonder tree" with good cause. The tree's leaves, Oil, Fruit, Sap, roots, bark, seeds, pod, and flowers all have medicinal properties. The byproducts of the tree have a variety of applications. It is often known as "Drumstick tree" too.

High-Nutrient Moringa Leaves

Moringa leaves have a nutritious content that is higher than that of milk, carrots, and even oranges. The leaves are utilized in Indian cuisine in a variety of ways due to their adaptability and capacity to be included in the diet in a number of ways. They are most frequently consumed as juice mixers and as vegetables for stir-fries. When consumed in their natural condition, the leaves of the moringa have no harmful effects.

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, riboflavin, B3, niacin, B6, and folate are abundant in moringa leaves. They are also abundant in zinc, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, and iron. One cup of moringa leaves contains 2 grams of protein, 8% of the recommended daily allowance of magnesium, 19% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin B6, 1% of the recommended daily allowance of iron, and 1% of the recommended daily allowance of riboflavin (9 percent of the RDA).

Rich in Amino Acids

Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, are abundant in moringa leaves. They include 18 different types of amino acids, each of which contributes significantly to our wellness.

Fight Inflammation

A body's natural response to pain and injury is inflammation. Because there are isothiocyanates in moringa leaves, they have an anti-inflammatory effect. They possess niazimicin, which is known to stop the growth of cancer cells. Illness is mostly brought on by inflammation, including cancer, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and numerous autoimmune disorders. The body experiences heightened inflammation after an accident or infection. Inflammation is essentially a defense mechanism against trauma, but due to a poor lifestyle and a poor diet, it may get worse. Chronic health problems are brought on by long-term inflammation. Consuming moringa leaves can lower inflammation.

fight inflammation
fight inflammation

Rich in Antioxidants

Because of its anti-oxidative qualities, moringa leaves ward against the negative effects of environmental free radicals. Free radical damage is the cause of many chronic illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, heart issues, and Alzheimer's. Beta-carotene and vitamin C found in abundance in moringa leaves work to combat free radicals. Additionally, they contain quercetin, an antioxidant that lowers blood pressure. Chlorogenic acid, another antioxidant found in moringa leaves, helps to maintain blood sugar levels after meals.

According to research on women, consuming 1.5 teaspoons of moringa leaf powder every day for three months significantly increased the levels of antioxidants in the blood.

Lower Blood Sugar Levels

People that have persistently high blood sugar levels eventually acquire diabetes. In consequence, diabetes can harm the body's organs and create cardiac issues. It is advisable to maintain healthy blood sugar levels in order to prevent this. Given that isothiocyanates are present in moringa leaves, they are an ideal source for that as they help to balance blood sugar levels.

Lowers Cholesterol

In addition to oats, flaxseeds, and almonds, moringa leaves are a dependable treatment for high cholesterol. The main cause of heart disease is cholesterol, and eating moringa leaves has significantly reduced high cholesterol levels. These levels can be brought down, reducing the risk of heart disease. Cholesterol levels are typically greater in pregnant women, which can raise the risk of gestational diabetes throughout the course of the pregnancy. What is pregnancy-related diabetes? Pregnant women without diabetes before becoming pregnant are the ones who often get this kind of diabetes. Including Moringa leaves in your diet can help prevent gestational diabetes.

Protects the Liver

Moringa leaves provide several advantages for people with TB since they lessen the side effects of anti-tubercular medications. The leaves accelerate the regeneration of liver cells. The leaves contain a lot of polyphenols, which can both prevent and possibly even reverse liver oxidative damage. They raise the liver's protein levels. Only when the liver enzymes are normal can the liver work normally, which is where the blood is detoxified, fat is broken down, and nutrients are absorbed. Moringa leaves stabilize these liver enzymes.

protects the liver
protects the liver

Protects Against Arsenic Toxicity

Contamination with arsenic is an issue that is prevalent in most of the world. Our bodies have been exposed to arsenic through a variety of foods, most notably rice. This element can cause cancer and heart disease when exposed to it over an extended period of time. Research on lab animals has demonstrated the effectiveness of moringa leaves in reducing the damaging effects of arsenic.

Good for the Stomach

The moringa plant's leaves can treat digestive problems. If you experience constipation, bloating, gas, gastritis, or ulcerative colitis, include moringa leaves in your diet. The antibacterial and antibiotic properties of the leaves make them a fantastic remedy for digestive disorders. Even the high B vitamin content of the leaves helps to improve digestion.

Improves Bone Health

There is a lot of calcium and phosphorus in moringa leaves. For healthy bones, you need both of these components. Because moringa leaves are anti-inflammatory, they aid in the treatment of arthritis and may even repair broken bones. Additionally, moringa oleifera prevents osteoporosis and maintains bone and tooth health.

An Antiseptic

Antiseptic and effective against many bacterial illnesses are moringa leaves. As they shorten the clotting period, they are especially helpful for wound healing and aid in the speedy healing of burns, small cuts, and bruises.

Improve Lactation

Moringa leaves were used to enhance milk in nursing women in conventional Ayurvedic treatment. The health of the mother & baby is greatly improved by ingesting moringa leaves since they are a rich source of protein, vital vitamins, and necessary elements.

Helps in Weight Management

The body burns fatter when moringa leaves are taken. They reduce body weight without lowering energy levels. The person continues to feel fed and upbeat as a result. They increase metabolism and lessen food cravings. Moreover, they reduce cholesterol.

Good for Skin and Hair

Moringa leaves enhance skin and hair health since they are packed with antioxidants and minerals. They make the skin softer and the hair shinier. Moringa leaves contain antioxidants that lessen the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. They contain around 30 antioxidants. Not only that, but using a paste made from moringa leaves on the scalp and hair might lessen dandruff and give dull, lifeless hair some bounce. The leaves also make the hair follicles stronger. They benefit skin that is prone to acne as well. This is why many cosmetics contain moringa leaves. They add a glow and improve the skin's tone because of their therapeutic and purifying qualities.

Good for the Nervous System

The usage of moringa leaves has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of neurological illnesses. They act as neuro-enhancers and promote brain health. The abundance of vitamins E and C prevents neuronal deterioration and enhances cognitive performance. Eat moringa leaves frequently if you get migraines or recurrent headaches. As they maintain the synthesis of neurotransmitters including serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline, which are crucial for memory, mood, and stimulus-response, these leaves also serve as mood stabilizers.

Good for Detoxification

Natural detoxifiers and cleaners, and moringa leaves benefit our body. This keeps the body healthy & boosts immunity to several illnesses. They also boost the body's energy levels.

The nutritional punch of moringa leaves is strong, and they are also anti-inflammatory. They are a new " superfood " type because of their antioxidant and cellular health-preserving qualities. They reduce sugar levels and the development of inflammatory enzymes. Include them frequently in your diet to get their numerous health advantages.

About CEO

My name is Sarumathy Nandagopal, and I'm the CEO of Srihatech. I'm a dietician and nutritionist with over 12 years of experience and knowledge in dietetics, nutrition, and home science. Weight loss, slimming, diet counselling, and diet charts are all major accomplishments. You can visit my website for daily health tips and Updates.

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