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  • Sarumathy Nandagopal

All About Prostate Risks and Tips for Prostate Care for Men

Updated: Sep 16, 2022

Prostate care for men

Everybody has two kidneys. The kidney's function is to eliminate waste. It is your body's method for disposing of waste. Your blood is filtered multiple times each day by the kidneys. Urine is created while the blood is filtered, and it is then temporarily deposited in the urinary bladder. If a man didn't have a urinary bladder, pee would drip as he walked down the street.

Consider the plumbing repairs in your home right now. Consider the bladder as the upper storage container. A competent plumber will run pipes from the storage tank to various rooms in the house, including the kitchen. In His wisdom, God constructed pipelines that go from our bladder to the tip of the penis. The urethra is the name of the pipe. The prostate gland is a little organ that sits below the bladder and covers the urethra.

The prostate gland weighs around 20 grams and is about the size of a walnut. Making the seminal fluid, which is kept in the seminal vesicle, is its function. The prostate gland starts to expand beyond the age of 40 for unknown causes that might be hormonal. It may increase from 20 grams to approximately 100 grams. The man starts to feel changes in the way he urinates as it grows and squeezes the urethra.

If your kid is under 10 and a bit mischievous, like we all were at that age, he may aim the jet at the ceiling when he goes outside to urinate. Wahala dey, tell his father to do the same. His pee stream is thin, unable to go far, and prone to occasionally falling directly on his legs. He could therefore have to urinate while awkwardly standing. Learn Prostate care for men in detail below:

Check out the signs that may start to emerge.

Terminal Dripping

Urine still drips on his pants after peeing and packing, the man starts to notice. An older man needs to ring the bell after urinating because of this. A younger man just completes the delivery and leaves. I just saw an older man leaving the restroom. Sometimes, especially while wearing plain-coloured pants, he may tightly grip the newspaper to cover the pee marks.


You now have to wait longer for the pee to start flowing. The internal and external sphincters are two valves that need to open in order for you to urinate. Both are open, but you must wait longer for the flow to begin due to urethral blockages.

Incomplete Urination

After urinating, you have the impression that there is still something present. The bladder starts to work harder to make up for the blockage in the urethra while all of these processes take place. The need to urinate more often. It becomes urgent. There are moments when you almost have to race to the bathroom. Also becoming widespread is nocturia. You get up at night to go to the bathroom more than twice. Your wife starts whining.

Males, being men, could choose to remain silent even at this stage. Then start the most severe problems. When urine is stored, it can get contaminated and cause burning. Urine in storage crystallizes. Either in the kidney or the bladder, crystals combine to create stones. The urethra might be blocked by stones.

Urinary retention develops over time. Urine is increasingly stored in the bladder. The bladder holds between 40 and 60 cl. 50cl makes up a bottle of coke. The bladder can become up to 300cl larger as more pee is stored in it. Wetting or urine incontinence may result from a bladder that is overfilled and begins to leak. Additionally, the volume might put a strain on the kidneys and harm them.

Acute urine retention is what may most likely send the man to the hospital. One day he awakens and is unable to urinate. All of the aforementioned symptoms of an enlarged prostate, or benign prostate hyperplasia, are related. Other prostate conditions include those that affect:

  • Prostatitis – inflammation of the prostate.

  • Prostate Cancer – cancer of the prostate.

Both positive and terrible news is present. The bad news is that if he lives long enough, every guy will get a prostate enlargement. The good news is that a guy over 40 may maintain optimal prostate health by making certain Healthy Lifestyle modifications.


Take a look at your diet. According to the US National Cancer Institute, our diet has a direct impact on 33 percent of all malignancies. Your risk of prostate illness is tripled if you consume red meat daily. Drinking milk daily increases your risk. Your risk increases fourfold if you don't consume fruits and veggies every day.

Men can benefit much from tomatoes. Eat it joyfully if it is the only thing your wife can serve you that evening. It contains a lot of lycopene. The strongest natural antioxidant is lycopene. Foods high in zinc are advantageous for males as well. Pumpkin seeds are strongly advised. The most important element for male sexuality and fertility is zinc.

Women require less zinc than males do. Each time a guy ejaculates, 15 mg of zinc are lost. The metabolism of alcohol also requires zinc. Zinc is necessary for your liver's ethanol metabolism.

Drinking Habits

Men need to consider alcohol consumption when they start to experience urine symptoms linked to enlarged prostates. More liquid entering implies more leaving. Drink less. Sip mindfully.


Muscle tone may be developed by exercise. Every man ought to work out. Jogging is a high-impact workout that men over 40 should avoid. The knees are under pressure. It's terrible news for the prostate to cycle. We advise vigorous walking.

Sitting Duration

Two-thirds of our weight is supported by the pelvic bones when we are sitting. Prostate symptoms are more common in men who spend more time sitting down. Don't spend hours sitting still. As often as you can, go for a stroll. Sit down in cosy seats. If you must sit for extended periods of time, we advise a split saddle chair.

Dressing Habits

Avoid wearing tight underwear for men. It affects the groin's circulation and slightly warms it. The ideal temperature for the groin is around 33 degrees, whereas the physiological temperature is 37 degrees. Men should not wear pants. Put on boxers. Dress with breathable materials.

Smoking Habits

Don't smoke. It has an influence on the blood vessels and the flow of blood in the groin area.

Sex Habits

Regular sexual contact benefits the prostate. Prostate disease is more common among celibates. Although it is a moral choice, celibacy is not a biological adaptation. Your prostate gland is made to periodically release its contents. when someone gives you something valuable and you gain from it. Sharing it with others is required of you morally since it could save one of your friends.

Choose A Healthy Food Diet

Though research findings have been conflicting, there is some indication that eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in fat may help reduce the incidence of prostate cancer. However, this has not yet been conclusively shown.

healthy food
healthy food

Hot Lemons Can Kill Cancer Cells!

Three sections of a lemon, cut in half, should be placed in a cup. Add hot water to the cup, and the mixture will turn into alkaline water. Everyone will benefit from drinking this every day.

  • A cancer-fighting chemical can once more be released by hot lemons.

  • All forms of cancer have been treated with hot lemon juice, which also has an effect on malignant tumours.

  • Only the cancerous cells will be destroyed after treatment with this extract; healthy cells will not be harmed.

  • Lemon juice's acids and monocarboxylic acid can control blood pressure, defend against clogged arteries, improve blood flow, and lessen blood clotting.

Choose A Low-Fat Diet

Meats, nuts, oils, and dairy products like milk and cheese are examples of foods that include fat. According to certain research, males who consumed the most fat on a daily basis had a higher risk of prostate cancer. This is not evidence that obesity leads to prostate cancer. This link hasn't been seen in other investigations. However, cutting back on your daily fat intake has been shown to have other advantages, such as improving your heart health and helping you manage your weight.

Limit fatty Healthy Food or go for low-fat options to cut down on the quantity of fat you consume daily. For instance, consider thinner meat cuts and low-fat or reduced-fat dairy products, and cut back on the amount of fat you add to dishes when cooking.

Increase The Number Of Fruits And Vegetables

Although research has not demonstrated that any specific nutrient is guaranteed to lower your risk, fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals that are considered to lessen the risk of prostate cancer. The tendency is also for you to have less room for other things, such as high-fat foods, when you eat more fruits and vegetables. By including an extra serving of a fruit or vegetable in each meal, you may want to increase the number of fruits and vegetables you consume daily. As snacks, think about consuming fruits and vegetables.

Reduce The Number Of Dairy Products You Eat Each Day

According to research, the risk of prostate cancer was highest among men who consumed the most dairy products daily, such as milk, cheese, and yoghurt. However, research findings have been conflicting, and the danger connected to dairy products is believed to be minimal.

Here are some foods you should include to protect your prostate health

Cruciferous Vegetables

Such vegetables as cabbage, bok choy, kale, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts fall within this category. Cruciferous vegetables are rich in phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Glucoraphanin, a phytochemical (Phyto means "plant") found in broccoli, which is frequently lauded as a prostate superfood, may be converted into chemicals that might target and inhibit the formation of cancer cells, according to studies. Consuming cruciferous vegetables may reduce inflammation, which has been linked to an increased risk of developing prostate cancer, according to studies.


The cumulative harm that occurs over a long period of time is referred to by scientists as "oxidative stress." "Free radicals," hazardous byproducts of metabolism, are the reason. When left unchecked, free radicals harm DNA and cells by stealing electrons, wreaking havoc on the body. Because damaged DNA cannot replicate properly, cells may develop malignant alterations. Free radicals are neutralized and expelled from the body with the aid of antioxidants. Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries in particular are excellent sources of berries. Anthocyanins, which are present in several fruits, are potent antioxidants. Include this Healthy Food in your lifestyle.


In contrast to saturated animal fats, some fish, particularly cold-water species like salmon, sardines, and trout, contain "good fats" that reduce inflammation (e.g., beef fat). Scientists have just started to recognize prostate inflammation as a risky disease that can facilitate the spread of cancer. It's interesting to note that not all fish are equal. According to one research that looked at the connection between food and inflammation, "other" fish, such as salmon or red snapper, as well as canned tuna, shrimp, lobster, and scallops, were found to be more so than "dark-meat" fish.

Cooked Tomatoes

Here are some reasons why tomatoes have been on prostate cancer experts' radar for a while. Another potent antioxidant, lycopene, is present in tomato cell walls. By loosening the link during cooking, the antioxidant may more easily be accessed by our systems and sent to the prostate. For some reason, lycopene levels in the prostate rise when a man consumes a diet high in lycopene." Our bodies may benefit from this nutritious powerhouse with the aid of tomato sauce, paste, and juice. Cooking tomatoes in olive oil, which aids lycopene absorption, is even better.

Coffee & Tea

You may have heard that green tea contains catechins, which are antioxidants thought to have anti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic properties. The two most significant catechins are EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) and epicatechin (preventing healthy cells from mutating). Men who drank seven cups of green tea per day had a lower risk of prostate cancer, according to a systematic assessment of much research that was published in Medicine.

More likely than not, you'll be shocked to see coffee on this list. The future of coffee seems more and more bright. Several recent research indicates that consuming one to two cups of coffee each day on a regular basis may help avoid prostate cancer. Coffee and tea provide a crucial transition into the discussion of what to avoid eating. leading the list? Sugar. Avoid the double-cream, pre-sweetened lattes from your preferred coffee shop if you're going to consume coffee and tea in order to restrict the amount of sugar to a minimum.

Prostate cancer risk is higher for some guys. There may be further risk-reduction alternatives, such as medication, for people with a very high risk of developing prostate cancer. Talk to your doctor if you believe you have a high risk of prostate cancer. Find more tips about Prostate care for men today only at the Srihatech website! Visit now and learn more!

About CEO

My name is Sarumathy Nandagopal, and I'm the CEO of Srihatech. I'm a dietician and nutritionist with over 12 years of experience and knowledge in dietetics, nutrition, and home science. Weight loss, slimming, diet counselling, and diet charts are all major accomplishments. You can visit my website for daily health tips and Updates.

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