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  • Sarumathy Nandagopal

Top 11 Tips to Help You Deal With Sciatica

Updated: Aug 27, 2022

It's an ache that runs down the back of one leg from your lower back. It's achy at times, and searing and stinging at others. Sciatica can be excruciatingly painful, making it difficult to move, sit, or sleep. A bulging (herniated) disc in your lower spine is the most common reason. The discomfort is caused by these cushioning discs slipping out of place and irritating or compressing your sciatic nerve.

You're more likely to have sciatica if you meet one of the following risk factors:

  • Age (typically between 30-50)

  • You’re tall – there’s an increased risk with height

  • You’re a smoker

  • You’re under mental stress

  • You engage in intense physical exercise, such as lifting often and bending and twisting.

  • You’re driving a lot

The most common symptoms of sciatica include:

  • A severe discomfort radiates down one leg (could also have numbness or tingling)

  • Low back pain

Reduce inflammation through nutrition

Inflammation can be reduced by eating a diet rich in whole grains, natural foods, fruits, vegetables, nuts, fatty fish like salmon, and soluble and insoluble fibre. Curcumin (turmeric), ginger, green tea, and black tea are all excellent sources of anti-inflammatory compounds that aid in the development of immunity and general health. This sort of diet can help you build up anti-inflammatory compounds in your body over time, which may help you avoid sciatica in the long run.

What to avoid while following an anti-inflammatory diet

It's important to avoid or restrict the following items while eating anti-inflammatory meals on a daily basis:

  • Sugars, processed carbs, trans fats, and hydrogenated oils are all inflammatory foods.

  • Smoking, which reduces the synthesis of anti-inflammatory chemicals and causes inflammation, is a bad habit to get into.

Before making any dietary changes, consult your doctor to confirm that your diet does not conflict with or interact with any existing prescriptions.

Avoid sitting for long periods

Long durations of sitting cause strain on the low back's discs and ligaments. Take regular breaks or try a standing desk if you have work that involves a lot of sitting. It is preferable to sit less.

Build specific micronutrients

Micronutrients, which may not be entirely received from a regular diet, can be supplemented to assist build up your body. The following are some examples of significant micronutrients:

  • Magnesium

  • Vitamin D

  • Vitamin E

  • Vitamin B12

  • Vitamin B6

  • Zinc

  • Selenium

  • Fish oil (Omega-3 fatty acids)

These micronutrients aid in the suppression of inflammatory mediators and the reduction of inflammatory processes in general. Antioxidants in the body include vitamin E, zinc, and selenium. Vitamins in the B group aid to promote nerve health and alleviating sciatica. If you don't consume turmeric on a regular basis, you can take curcumin (turmeric) pills.

Strengthen your core

A stronger core may not appear evident as a way to improve your spinal health. Your core, however, is more than simply your abdominal muscles, despite the fact that they are important contributors to the integrity of your spine. Your core also includes muscles in your back, sides, pelvis, and buttocks. Core muscles may be strengthened by a variety of exercises, including yoga and Pilates. Planks and bridges, for example, are core-focused exercises.

Practice good posture

Slouching isn't good for you, as Mom warned. To cultivate proper posture, you don't have to walk about with a book on your head. Follow these guidelines:

  • When you're standing or sitting, pay attention to your body's position.

  • Consider bringing your shoulder blades together.

  • Take regular breaks if you work at a computer. Place your monitor so that you can view it without leaning down or turning your head back.

Release Your Natural Pain Killers With Massage

Massages can help you relax, release endorphins (natural hormones produced by your body that lessen pain perception), enhance blood circulation, and relieve tense spinal muscles.

  • A deep tissue massage can assist to improve the flexibility of the spine by restoring its range of motion.

  • Manual therapy, a type of medical massage, may assist knead out muscular knots, trigger points, and stress.

Myofascial release and Shiatsu, for example, are two types of massage that might be therapeutic (a Japanese massage technique that utilises finger and palm pressure and stretching techniques). These massages may be more successful in relieving sciatica pain caused by bad posture, muscular tension, or exhausted lower-back muscles.

Try Mind-Body Techniques

You may utilise your mind's ability to reduce your impression of sciatica pain. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, guided imagery, and cognitive behavioural therapy are examples of mind-body approaches that can help relax your muscles and, to some extent, increase your sensation of control over the pain. These strategies may also assist with anxiety and depression6, which are common side effects of chronic pain.

Walk-in a swimming pool

Water's natural buoyancy, hydrostatic pressure, thermodynamics, hydrodynamic forces, and viscosity serve to control nerve and muscle activity, allowing you to work out without discomfort.

Increase exercise

Exercise is an important part of preventing or alleviating sciatica. Consider the following:

  • Walking, running, swimming, cycling, dancing, and other activities that raise your heart rate without causing extra discomfort if you already have sciatica are examples of aerobic exercise.

  • Workouts include free weights or weight machines, as well as isometric exercises, which entail contracting muscles without moving them.

  • Yoga, tai chi, Pilates, and other comparable exercises that enhance both flexibility and strength are examples of flexibility training.

  • Any activity that you love and undertake on a regular basis can assist. So give something new a go, return to an old favourite, or do both.

Manage Your Weight

Sciatica is more likely if you are overweight or obese. In addition, those with sciatica who are overweight heal more slowly. Why? Increased weight puts strain on your spine, which can result in herniated discs. Even a little amount of weight reduction can help to alleviate inflammation and strain on the spine.

Monitoring the weight frequently can provoke us to take action, so it will work out in a long run. Just try it, working well for most of the people.

If the pain persists, your doctor may prescribe muscle relaxants, inject pain-relieving drugs into your spine, or even discuss surgery. If the pain is severe and does not respond to alternative treatments or heal on its own, surgery is usually required. Please explore the Srihatech website now and find more such health tips necessary for your daily life!

About CEO

My name is Sarumathy Nandagopal, and I'm the CEO of Srihatech. I'm a dietician and nutritionist with over 12 years of experience and knowledge in dietetics, nutrition, and home science. Weight loss, slimming, diet counselling, and diet charts are all major accomplishments. You can visit my website for daily health tips and Updates.

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